The CTL Foundation works on the development of new approaches to electronic waste (e-waste) reduction in the emerging world. The development of new approaches to the way we handle e-waste is important in many developing countries, since there are often no decent local recycling facilities or legislative grounds for collection yet. The foundation works with various local parties and communities to increase and improve the collection of e-waste in these countries.
The CTL Foundation works with NGOs, international organisations and (donating) companies on those e-waste related topics that are especially complex, such as :
Global e-waste reduction
E-waste can cause environmental harm to local communities, while it has the potential to solve the world’s scarce resource problem if e-waste is handled properly. The CTL Foundation trains, supports and helps local communities to handle this waste properly, while creating awareness of its value. In this way, the Foundation aims to find a global solution to this problem.

Local Recycling
The CTL Foundation strives for responsible local recycling in developing countries. In these countries e-waste arguably causes the biggest harm, as waste often ends up in landfills or illegal recycling. By creating and supporting economically viable business models, the foundation hopes that the business case for local recycling capacity is strengthened.

Solutions for negative-value e-waste streams
Not only is e-waste one of the most hazardous waste streams, it also usually has a negative economic value. The CTL Foundation finds solutions for this waste stream to create economic, social and environmental opportunities.